K4 - re:learn workshop
15:00 - 16:00
It's not the Web, it's us: New Approaches to Web Literacy

Short thesis

This half talk, half workshop, aims to present and continue previous discussions and researches on how we use, and how we should use the Web. We invite those with ideas on the matter, but also those feeling lost and confused about the whole thing! We'll discuss the importance of intersecting literacies, and how we can create new and flexible ones for a healthier use of the Internet.


In the talk part of the session I will be discussing recent research on Web literacy and the results of similar conversations. I would also discuss what, I believe, is the necessary intersection of literacies, like cultural literacy and information literacy. Together with these ideas, I'll present the different ways of learning that have been researched on, to show the different ways we're able to learn and the big amount of possibilities we can think of when approaching the future Web literacies. 

After this, and through different brainstorming strategies, I will open the floor for participants to share experiences and ideas. In fact, the talk part of the session aims to prepare participants to approach the issue and share their ideas with the help of the concepts being shared before. We will talk, write, think together and discuss the results.

In summary, this session will be very much about sharing and listening. My goal is to bring context, data and questions in order to be able to think collectively how we can build literacy strategies that could combine the formal and informal, as well as invisible and non intentional ways of learning. 

The results of this discussion will be jointly published with the other research I have conducted on this matter and will be shared in the Global Voices Community Blog.
