@E – Cognition is imminent: Reversing the Dunning Kruger Effect

Short Thesis

Sound-artist Cotzhausen (Veith Michel) and multi-percussionist Marvin Schruba create an audio transcription of the phenomenon tl;dr, offering a helping hand to escape the overwhelming amount of information and enter a peaceful, even meditative environment.


One hour on YouTube, 40 seconds on Instagram, 7 seconds on Snapchat. And we think that we know what we talk about. 

More and more we try compacting information as small and short as possible for the recipients to inhale. The immense waves of information are overwhelming the consumers, gasping for their attention. This massive amount causes a stimulus satiation with the audience, leading to defensiveness towards all incoming information, if it is not nicely portioned in small bits and parts.

Sound-artist Cotzhausen (Veith Michel) and multi-percussionist Marvin Schruba are creating an audio transcription of this phenomenon, offering a helping hand to escape the overwhelming amount of information and enter a peaceful, even meditative environment, characterized by fragments of controversy from on- and offline platforms.

Like reading, music is a process and can lead to a meditative state. Words become sound, and sound becomes Meditation. Phonetics has been the structural root for language ever since. The raw sound we use to communicate has evolved as a tool to establish new forms of communication. 

Influenced by this idea they take this approach exploring the contemporary tools and techniques to evolve from one sound or signal into a complex structural real-time composition. By using source samples such as metal, stone, wood, and other materials, which are and always have been essential for music creation, the concept creates a link between the beginning of music to present and potential futures.

’Too long, didn't read' becomes the metaphor for modular and granular syntheses, combining experimental Vibraphone improvisations with realtime sound improvisation. 

location: BePart