
Digital technologies are changing the present and future of our society(ies), culture(s) and politics. This makes it important to use these changes to dismantle old patterns of discrimination and ensure they aren’t reproduced. In our EmanziTech topic area, we take a closer look at broadening the views of the complementary demands of emancipation and technology, with more emancipatory contents on the internet as well as an emancipatory internet and non-discriminatory AIs.

Caroline Sinders is one of many people concerned with addressing patterns of discrimination by using new technical possibilities. Gender and code has become a pressing issue, even in the predominantly male domain of coding and computing. Sinders takes up these issues with her “Feminist Data Set” and, on the first day of re:publica 19, describes the utopia of a non-biased internet. On re:publica Tuesday, Alexis Hope in turn presents how (digital) technologies can be used to create more justice in stigmatised areas of women’s lives with her “Make the Breast Pump Not Suck” hackathon, among other things. Following from this, we will ask how technological advancements at the interfaces of technology, body(ies) and sexuality can influence our sex lives, what role language has in reproducing discrimination, and how the cyborg-woman can supply transhuman approaches to feminist ideas for emancipation.

  • Business & Innovation
    „Digital Africa“ is a multi-platform documentary project about digital innovations and modern technology made in Africa. It’s produced by Berlin-based film production company berlin producers in cooperation with French-German TV ARTE and supported by GIZ, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, GIG, re:publica and others.
    Duration: 52 minutes
  • Arts & Culture
    Wir unterliegen dem täglichen Einfluss unserer natürlichen und sozialen Umgebung. Welchem Einfluss
    setzen wir unsere Sinne tagtäglich aus? Verlieren wir durch den Trend des Fashion Tech den Bezug zu
    unserem Körper und das Vertrauen zu diesen Sinnen? Und sind wir bereit, unsere textile Haut zu innovieren?
  • Business & Innovation
    We will be questioning ourselves how can we enhance the perceptions. What conditions should be met?
    Inspired by a paper of David Chalmers called the extended mind. The aim of this session is to explore the benefits of wearables and its tendency to develop towards the fashion market. Why is this happening?

  • Business & Innovation
    Die #DMW arbeiten für mehr Sichtbarkeit von Frauen auf allen Bühnen – ob Konferenzen, Fachmedien oder Management Board. Das ist ganz schön harte Arbeit - und gerade in letzter Zeit haben wir das Gefühl, dass die Bretter auch mal wieder dicker werden! Gleiche Präsenz auf der Bühne? Ja, manchmal. Gleiche Bezahlung? Ein Traum. Gleichberechtigte Teilhabe in Wirtschaft und Politik? Weiterhin fraglich. Das wollen wir ändern - und setzen uns dafür seit 2010 ein.
  • Science & Technology
    Using Open Source Hardware and 3D printing Technology, we will hack and build simple low-cost DIY open Science Lab equipment.

    The main focus of this session will be:
    1. Learning to use Open Source Hardware and Open Science to design and build Low-Cost Lab equipment.
    2. Learning how to design 3D models and print as well as open and use accounts and access protocols such as GitHub, Open Science Framework etc.
    3. Assemble at least one DIY lab equipment.
  • Science & Technology
    Join Alexis Hope in her journey to challenge institutions to consider whose voices must be centered in innovation spaces to imagine and build many possible utopias and preferable futures. Alexis claims the solution lies with bringing people together to improve inclusivity and cultivate a passionate display of joy for designing better futures collectively. Discuss with Alexis about the details of her work to achieve a new form of community-building and creative problem-solving.
  • Politics & Society
    For this lecture/performance of an on-going project entitled “Red,” Tiara Roxanne will illustrate the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Western Indigeneity. The session will address the impossibility of decolonization, i.e., “I cannot decolonize my body.” By reinterpreting processes of colonial recovery through a performative and critical lens, we will arrive at notions of digital borders, the digital body and lastly, digital flesh.
  • Science & Technology
    #ASKotec; the 'Access to to Skills and Knowledge Open Tech Emergency Case' is a resource kit for community trainers, created for mobile field-use where there is neither easy power nor internet connectivity in low-infrastructure regions or rural areas. Intended as ‘Open Tech for Good’, #ASKotec was created through a series of hub development workshops by a community of young innovators intent on bringing skills training and peacebuilding together in the effort to end the South Sudan conflict.
  • Politics & Society
    How do we build joyful futures? Who gets to imagine and invent them? And what can hacking a Breast Pump teach us about designing for equity?
    I’ll share what my team is doing to change how institutions undertake innovation work by reimagining the hackathon—a staple in technology spaces—as a path to equitable design. In our work, making space for joy and play helps people and institutions come together with a generative spirit to build relationships across lines of difference.
  • Science & Technology
    In dem Talk geht es um die "letzten" emanzipativen Ecken im Netz.
  • Science & Technology
    Artificial Intelligence, or "AI" means different things to different people, but all definitions involve the future of how humans work and live.
  • Politics & Society
    Beim gemeinsamen Fertigen von Buttonwechseltrainingsdummies für Menschen, die diese gebrauchen können, tauschen wir uns über pflegerische Maßnahmen, Makerkultur, Versorgungsfirmen und Übungspuppen aus.