
Digital technologies are changing the present and future of our society(ies), culture(s) and politics. This makes it important to use these changes to dismantle old patterns of discrimination and ensure they aren’t reproduced. In our EmanziTech topic area, we take a closer look at broadening the views of the complementary demands of emancipation and technology, with more emancipatory contents on the internet as well as an emancipatory internet and non-discriminatory AIs.

Caroline Sinders is one of many people concerned with addressing patterns of discrimination by using new technical possibilities. Gender and code has become a pressing issue, even in the predominantly male domain of coding and computing. Sinders takes up these issues with her “Feminist Data Set” and, on the first day of re:publica 19, describes the utopia of a non-biased internet. On re:publica Tuesday, Alexis Hope in turn presents how (digital) technologies can be used to create more justice in stigmatised areas of women’s lives with her “Make the Breast Pump Not Suck” hackathon, among other things. Following from this, we will ask how technological advancements at the interfaces of technology, body(ies) and sexuality can influence our sex lives, what role language has in reproducing discrimination, and how the cyborg-woman can supply transhuman approaches to feminist ideas for emancipation.

  • Politics & Society
    Many digital initiatives working on gender and sexuality in the Arabic-speaking world grapple with a number of challenges related to access to information. During the workshop facilitators will present and discuss different experiences related to these challenges. The participants will then be invited to work together in thinking of innovative solutions to some of the most challenging questions related to access to information in the region.
  • Politics & Society
    In der Literatur gibt es schon seit hunderten von Jahren Beschreibungen von Maschinenfrauen, Frauen als Automaten oder Gynoiden, Robotern in weiblicher Gestalt. Technische Revolutionen haben diese Darstellungen dabei immer wieder stark beeinflusst und neue Körperbilder und Genderdiskurse generiert. Im Jahr 2019 ist es an der Zeit für eine Neubewertung. Denn mit Hilfe von Cyborgfrauen können wir neue feministische Ansätze entwickeln und Diskriminierungsmuster abbauen.
  • Science & Technology
    Learn how to build an open source interactive robot that is easy to build and easy to program by everyone with graphical and visual programming interface.
  • Media & Journalism
    The Internet and social media platforms have grown to become reliable sources for sexual education and exploration. Especially marginalized people have created spaces to express themselves and create a growing and evolving set of sexual values that have already changed the world. These relatively new values call for re-thinking what platforms still refer to as "adult content" and a push towards differentiated perception of sexual content.
  • Science & Technology
    To start with Car-Hacking, I have built a simulated CAN-Bus-Network with 10 OBD-II interfaces.
    OBD-II is the standard Car-Diagnosis-Interface since 2001(Petrol) / 2003 (Diesel).
    We will use the MACCHINA M2 Car-Hacking Arduino and flash a basic Sniffer for the CAN-Bus Protocol.
    We will retrieve CAN-Bus Data (coming from the simulated Car-Network) and visualize it in SavvyCAN.
  • Science & Technology
    Connecting the technological dots between cave wall paintings and immersive VR experiences, this session will start with a whirlwind tour of history that puts a new spin on the last 10,000 years of recorded humanity Mathana will introduce their concept (re)defining the current era, what they have coined ‘The Fog’ (a provocative take on ‘the cloud’) that offers a new approach towards the way cataloging civilizational epochs.
  • Arts & Culture
    We want to take you on a trip to a space that you have believed to know, but that is in fact an unexplored territory. We will hit the road and discover hidden places of the internet infrastructure in the year 2025. Together we are going to rethink and overcome structures of hegemonic power, simply by stopping by and uncovering spots of perfectly functional, virtual femininity. Get in, join the ride and you will see: the internet, if you look closely, is a feminist space – just like a beehive.
  • Arts & Culture
    Disruption, adaptation, infiltration, agility, robustness... These notions are used a lot both in technology and in science, yet our understanding of what they really represent is still very abstract — we do not really "feel" them. During this workshop we propose the participants to get a direct embodied understanding of these notions in an interactive group setting using our bodies, inspired by the martial art Systema, dance, complex systems theory, and agile development practices.
  • Arts & Culture
    Participants are invited to join a performative game, in which they try out prototypes of video glasses connected to wireless surveillance cameras, while they are watched by the other participants. They experiment with transmitted body movements, improvised choreographies, are “controlled” and take “control” of others.
  • Politics & Society
    Sex as we know it is changing. I take the audience on a tour of sexual technologies past and present, and explain how a new wave of technologies offer an immersive sexual experience unlike anything that has come before. These technologies are leading to the emergence of a new sexual identity: “digisexuality”. I engage participants in a discussion about their use of sexual technologies. And I urge: Don’t panic. While the technologies present challenges, they also offer exciting opportunities.