
  • Digital technologies are changing our every day culture in a multitude of ways. We are living in the middle of the post-digital age. The Internet is omnipresent – particularly in the arts and in culture.

  • Beyond the buzzwords of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things or Big Data: these terms are standard in the discussion of how new technologies will change our daily life, particularly in the context of work. But simply name dropping doesn't really help us to understand what and exactly how technology is changing our world of work.

  • The crisis of the public sphere (and objectivity?), which has been evident for some time now, and the open hostility towards “mainstream media" will be part of our focus, as will the success stories from (investigative) journalism, great moments in international cooperation and collaborative framing of data traces and narratives.

  • In the track City and Mobility we are taking a look at the impact digitalization has on cities. What does the increasing interconnectedness of urban space mean for the inhabitants of a city? Do sensor-equipped, self-regulated street lamps imply an increase in sustainability or rather a loss of anonymous urban space?

  • Reflections on the change of societies and political dynamics due to digitization are at the core of the re:publica programme. We are interested in shifting power balances, in societal change and civic digital action.

  • How do digital technologies change the way we learn, teach, research and share knowledge? How are scientific fields and research topics evolving? In this track, we would like to hear from education professionals, scientists, researchers, academics and students - from established institutions to citizen science initiatives.

  • Technology anthropologists, psychologists, cybersecurity researchers, historians, neurobiologists, sociologists (and, and, and) ... this track is dedicated to you and your research. Here we examine the synergies between science and technology.


  • “We’re still allowed to say that, aren’t we?” – We live in an era in which freedom of expression is writ large and is one of the most important parts of our democracy. Everyone can say what they want on the internet and what they say is also heard and/or read by large numbers of people.

  • Ah, the good ol’ days; do you remember how it used to be; wow, have we gotten old; it’s hard to believe – that happened so long ago; we were young and had so little; oh my, look how he’s grown!

  • Digitisation is changing the possibilities for democratic participation. New digital tools provide hope for more direct participatory procedures, but how can we use these new technologies in a way that encourages democracy?

  • We do yoga at work and there is a meditation space. Vegetables are growing in an office garden that all the employees help tend. Exercise programmes are offered and team-building activities are standard, as are working hours customised to each worker’s schedule.

  • For the first time TINCON Berlin will take place as part of re:publica. The youth conference offers talks, workshops and hands-on-experiences for young people between 13 and 21 and deals with such diverse topics as AI, net politics, gaming, environmental issues, education, storytelling and much more.

  • On day two of re:publica, the Digital Culture Club will be taking over Stage 8. Following the #rp19 motto tl;dr, we’re going to be taking a few steps back and go back to the source of all forms of culture: storytelling.

  • Digital technologies are changing the present and future of our society(ies), culture(s) and politics. This makes it important to use these changes to dismantle old patterns of discrimination and ensure they aren’t reproduced.

  • For the fifth time, MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin (MCB), presented by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB) and

  • The term “smart city” is already somewhat cliché, but how we plan to design intelligent, liveable cities of the future is far from clear. Is a smart city efficient and sustainable, or does it enable chaotic anonymity and personal freedom?

  • Within the substantial brackets of <Reality Check>, we’re investigating long-term developments and the broader contexts at the interfaces of music and technology. Perspectives on the topic are primarily from the point of view of smaller and independent stakeholders and artists.

  • We find ourselves in an era of “information overload” and “tl:dr”. The next 10-page article sends shivers down our spines. Yet we still want be informed. But how? In times in which our eyes seem to be exhausted, our ears still seem ready for action. So, instead of a “long read”, how about a “long listen”?

  •  For the first time there will be a re:cruiting area at #rp19 where we will offer various formats to connect potential employers and applicants.

  • World-class learning for the 21st century: There are 5 billion euros for the digitalisation of schools through the Digital Pact - and something is happening in other areas of education as well! How can we use money and digitisation not only to do more with the old, but also to break new ground in learning?

  • All over the world, schoolgirls and schoolboys take topics to the streets and demonstrate for a climate-friendly policy. The Fridays for Future demonstrations are intended to remind us to use our resources, our earth, in a sustainable way.

  • We are dedicating re:publica 19 to the long read, the small print, the footnotes; to the power of research, the power of controversy and the urgency not to simplify the issues that divide or unite us.

  • “The Human Touch” is the interface between the individual and the digital, making it the successor to the “re:health topic” from last year.

  • As creators of future digital society, kids are more than welcome at re:publica! Here’s to another year of crafting, playing, coding, and puzzling.