#rp19 re:view "Digital Culture Club"
The #rp19 topic "Digital Culture Club" was dedicated to communicating culture in the digital age and the challenges that cultural administrations and institutions face. A central question was how digital transformation processes in such institutions lead to more cultural participation. You can now view the sessions in a YouTube playlist here.
In the panel "Man, Machine, Maturity: How cultural administrations reinvent themselves", Klaus Lederer, Berlin Senator for Culture and Europe, Birgit Schneider-Bönninger, Head of the Department of Culture and Sports of the City of Bonn, and Nicolas Zimmer, Founder of the Technology Foundation Berlin, discussed the reorientation of cultural administrations in the digital age. In particular, how smart futures can be shaped in a reflexive, constructive and participative way in dialogue with the urban society.
In the panel "Rethinking for the Digital Society: Institutions as Third Places", various actors from Berlin's cultural landscape discussed how some museums and institutes in Berlin are already taking new paths in the communication of culture and knowledge and how new participatory communication formats can be designed for a digital society.
In his talk "Open Access for an Open Society: GLAM Insights", cultural historian Douglas McCarthy addressed the topic of Open Access in museums. McCarthy explained how museums can use the Open Access strategy "OpenGLAM (Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum)" for a participative and open transfer and creation of knowledge and how citizens benefit from this strategy through open access to digital collections.
In the talk "Signs of the times: Emojis as a visual language from the perspective of design research", Nicole Christ, a design researcher, highlighted how Emojis became an integral part of visual culture and digital space and what influence they have on language and perception in online communication.
In the panel "Performing Collaboration - Transdisciplinary Art Production", four artists presented approaches on how collaborative and transdisciplinary work processes for art can be developed with the help of digital technologies. They then discussed with the audience the question of how collaborative art projects make more cultural participation possible.
Have fun watching!