
#rp19 re:view "SYSTEM:ERROR"

Sustainability was one of the central subjects of #rp19. In the stage programme, sessions on the various facets of sustainability could mainly be found in the topic SYSTEM:ERROR - THE PROBLEM IS US, THE SOLUTION IS US. You can now watch those sessions in a YouTube playlist here.

The keynotes of the topic show how multifaceted the field is: Mikael Colville-Andersen spoke about the key role of cycling and urban planning in the fight against climate change. In his keynote, Johan Rockström emphasized the need for us to switch from incremental to fundamental change quickly if humanity is to have a future on Planet Earth. Astronaut Alexander Gerst, Jan Wörner, Director General of the ESA Space Agency, and Chiara Manfletti, President of ESA Portugal, spoke about the future of space exploration and its benefits for society.

Alexander Gerst

The session "Die neue DNA: Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Action", in which Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for the Environment, presented the progress agenda for the digitisation of her ministry, dealt with the interplay between sustainability and digitisation. The session "Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zwischen Utopie und Dystopie - Sustainable Paradise made by #Zukunftskunst" also examined how the two topic areas are related.

Bundesministerin Svenja Schulze bei der #rp19

The business model behind pseudo-scientific studies that "refute" climate change was shown by NDR and SZ-Magazin in a large-scale research project. Journalists Svea Eckert, Peter Hornung und Till Krause presented the results and their consequences at #rp19.

The themes plastic waste and recycling could be found on the stages as well as in makerspace and in the exhibition area. Together with opening speaker Nanjira Sambuli, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier had simple recycling techniques shown to him in #rp19 Makerspace by the organisations "recycle on the spot" and "The Flipflopi". Katharina Elleke of The Flipflopi also spoke about the global #plasticrevolution on the #rp19 stage.

#rp19 Makerspace

At its booth, WWF Germany drew attention to the pollution of the oceans with impressive installations. Heike Vesper also discussed the question "Are we a Plastic Nation?" with Christian Epping. The session highlighted Germany's role in the fight against plastic waste.

WWF booth

The climate change show vollehalle makes you want to make a constructive start - against frustration and paralysis!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Topic Partner of SYSTEM:ERROR - THE PROBLEM IS US, THE SOLUTION IS US.