rp:International Space
17:30 - 18:30
Distributed Design Business Models brainstorming

Short thesis

Distributed Design (DD) is changing the way we produce and consume everyday products. What business models are emerging in this field that reflect the values of DD?


Distributed Design is one outcome of the intersection of two global trends: the Maker Movement and the digitisation of the design discipline. This convergence has lead to the rise of a new market, in which creative individuals have access to digital tools that allow them to design, produce and fabricate products themselves or easily connect to a global network of collaborators to undertake aspects of this process with them.
What business models are arising to support designers and design organisations in this new field? How are the values of Distributed Design; supportive, sustainable, open and systemic being supported, reflected or challenged by these business models?

The Distributed Design Market Platform (DDMP) is a project funded by the European Union through the Creative Europe fund, that fosters the role of emerging Makers and Designers as part of this new digitized world. It celebrates, supports and inspires these professionals from across Europe and provides opportunities to support the mobility and circulation of their work to connect them with new, digital markets. It consists of both online and offline activities such as events, resources, workshops, fairs and bootcamps that promote and advocate for emerging creative talent in Europe and their business productivity and sustainability.

This idea harvest will be a collaborative and open space for discussion and sharing of case studies assisted by the Distributed Design project team.

